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Jerry's Home Page
Monday, February 24, 2025
5:16 pm
Test Your Logic
Find out how logical you are
Strange Evolution
Do you understand the debate between Evolution and Creation?
Babylonian Numbers
Convert Arabic numbers to Roman and Babylonian
Central Gov. Flaw
Centralized systems of government are inferior to alternate systems
Hawking's God
Steven Hawking disproves the existence of God. I am astounded by this great mind's logical error.
Big Phat Math
Arithmetic on obscenely large numbers
Molecular Evolution
Observe early RNA evolution in numerical simulation
Experts Often Wrong
The coast guard and kids!
Aliens Out To Get US
Steven Hawking claims if aliens exist, they want to kill us
Life's 8 Assumptions
We all make assumptions about the world around us of which most are unaware
Law vs. Morality
Are they the same thing? Should they be?
A century of diet and disease mythology is still with us
Bible Concept Search
Search the text of the Bible for ideas and concept not just the exact spelling of a word
Isaac Newton
The father of modern science wrote more on theology than he did on mathematics
Intelligent Life
What are the mathematical odds that intelligent civilizations exist elsewhere?
Count Your Words
Literally... count them. How many? How many different words? Letters/Word? Which letters?
My Work Portfolio
Translating irrational, real life, hairy chested events into definitive sequences of unambiguous imperatives
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